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City College Plymouth has a learning environment and organisational culture that is focussed on positively impacting the health, wellbeing and sustainability of our community and enables all of our students and staff to achieve their full potential.


We recognise that within a changing political and economic environment, City College Plymouth now, more than ever, needs to establish itself as a significant element of our city’s civic infrastructure – an anchor institution – vital to the development of our community and our economy.

The city has challenges with significant deprivation, educational engagement, attainment and progression. The College cannot meet these significant challenges alone and as such works with a wide number of civic and community partners to positively impact our city and region.

To respond to this challenge, the College has developed an innovative tool to support people through their educational journey but to also provide support to re-engage with education and to access employment.

Caerus is a map for our city, created by our city, with a difference. This innovative navigational tool is structured to address the whole person in addition to the logistical signposting of a career journey. Underpinned by several key concepts including ‘Who am i?’, ‘What happens next?’ and ‘Elevate you’; it leads with a consistency of reflective questioning. Further to this, Caerus works positively to support growth by addressing the city’s key economic strengths and assets such as, marine and maritime, and medical and healthcare sector; with a collection of employment sector maps. This united approach to creating something for our city that will make an impact, makes Caerus so unique.

Health and Wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of our communities is a priority activity for the College. The pandemic and subsequent cost of living crisis has exacerbated what had already been significant mental health problems across society that has subsequently impacted many students’ ability to commence or continue their studies.

The College has invested significantly in its mental health and wellbeing facilities to support our vulnerable students and staff, including having a wellbeing centre, the “Lighthouse” which has already had a significant impact. However, over the next 12 months we will continue to work with our partners to support the wider community with a wellbeing offer to key sectors such as the health and social care sector, carers, veterans and the third sector.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

An important and developing area of provision across the city is for people with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Given the volume of people in the city and the region with SEN and the limited provision that is available the College is looking to expand both its facilities and offer a new SEN hub and subsequent associated delivery. This is not limited to young people (aged 16-24) and will include provision for those above the age of 24 to address isolation and engagement.

Empowering Low Skilled and Low Waged Individuals

Another key aspect to our civic and community duties will be to empower low skilled and low waged members of our society to upskill and to raise the average wage of city residents.

We will undertake this activity through provision of the core skills required for improved employability – maths, English and essential digital skills though to level 2 – with a broadened offer of delivery. In addition, the College will develop an outreach offer in key locations across the city and surrounding region to address barriers to attending this essential skills training.

To address the disproportionate number of adults who do not progress from level 1 to study level 2 and also from level 2 to 3 – which has a direct correlation to average wage levels – the College will review its adult offer to ensure that it meets the city’s skills needs and is accessible around both childcare and work commitments with both increased evening, weekend and online learning solutions.

Promoting Equality and Diversity

To support equity, equality, diversity and inclusion we will take a range of measures to ensure access to all. This will include: the delivery of substantial English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) delivery with linked vocational specialisms to support second language speakers with employment and social integration; specific women only sessions for vulnerable or isolated groups to encourage confidence in engaging with educational programmes.

Get in touch

Main Campus
City College Plymouth

Kings Road, Devonport, Plymouth, PL1 5QG

Give us a call on: 01752 305300

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