By joining City College Plymouth you are joining a vibrant, ambitious and caring community that seeks to make every day extraordinary.
Why we are your learning destination of choice
We have a huge range of courses covering more than 20 subject areas, including T Levels – the new alternative to A Levels.
Our lecturers are experts with real industry experience that will bring your course to life.
We enjoy excellent links with local and national employers and these links will enhance your learning and make your CV stand out from the crowd.
Our facilities often go beyond state-of-the-art with some of the newest and most advanced technology available to further education providers.
In need of direction?
Discover courses and in-demand careers and education information based on your interests using our Career Coach tool. Not only does Career Coach provide you with up-to-date vacancy information, you can also start building an attention-grabbing CV.
Know what are you are interested in? Click below to search by subject area – and we have quite a few areas to choose from! Or use the Apprenticeships button below to go to our Apprenticeships page.
Study and work abroad
City College provides incredible opportunities that can take you further than you might have ever imagined …
Traveling can enrich your life with new experiences, and it can also bolster your resume and improve your prospects for employment.
Virtual Tour
City College Plymouth like you’ve never seen it before. Tour our facilities from the comfort of your sofa and explore our various subject area-focused introductory videos and demonstrations.