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Directors in Logistics, Warehousing and Transport

About this career


Median salary

New workers start around £24,331.07. Normal pay is £61,456 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £142,427.29.



Subjects achieved a 100% pass rate, including Maths, Further Maths, Physics, English Literature and Spanish.

About this career

  • Decides on storage conditions for particular items, allocates warehouse space and arranges for regular stock inspections to detect deterioration or damage.
  • Prepares reports on expenditure and advises on materials and parts standardisation, future stores and stock control policies.
  • Advises purchasing department on type, quality and quantity of goods required and dates by which they must be available.
  • Reviews, develops and implements stock control, handling and distribution policies to maximise use of space, money, labour and other resources.
  • Liaises with production, maintenance, sales and other departments to determine the materials and other items required for current and future production schedules and sales commitments.
  • Ensures that regulations regarding hours of work, the licensing of crews and transport equipment, the operational safety and efficiency of equipment, the insurance of vehicles and other statutory regulations are complied with.
  • Arranges for maintenance of airport runways and buildings, liaises with fuel and catering crews to ensure adequate supplies and resolves any complaints and problems raised by airport users..
  • Oversees and directs the movement, handling and storage of freight in transit and the operations of transport hubs such as airports, railways stations and harbours.
  • Plans the optimum utilisation of staff and operating equipment, and co-ordinates maintenance activities to ensure least possible disruption to services examines traffic reports, load patterns, traffic receipts and other data and revises transport services or freight rates accordingly.

Skills Employers Are Looking For

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Critical Thinking
Reading Comprehension
Active Listening
Active Learning
Learning Strategies