Functional Managers and Directors
About this career
Median salary
New workers start around £22,886.07. Normal pay is £54,218 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £120,693.78.
Subjects achieved a 100% pass rate, including Maths, Further Maths, Physics, English Literature and Spanish.
About this career
- Directs or undertakes the preparation, publication and dissemination of reports and other information pertaining to the organisation.
- Stimulates public interest by providing publicity, giving lectures and interviews.
- Represents union, association or business in consultation and negotiation with government, employees and other bodies.
- Drives innovation in the working practices of their organisation.
- Formulates and directs the implementation of an organisation’s policies.
- Plans, organises, coordinates and directs the resources of their organisation.
- Organises local authority office work and resources, negotiates contracted out services.
- Helps to formulate and implement local government policy and ensures legal and statutory provisions are observed.
Skills Employers Are Looking For
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