Welfare and Housing Associate Professionals
About this career
Median salary
New workers start around £11,024.55. Normal pay is £26,028 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £37,037.79.
Subjects achieved a 100% pass rate, including Maths, Further Maths, Physics, English Literature and Spanish.
About this career
- Performs pastoral care duties, preaches sermons and conducts some services in accordance with the relevant faith or denomination.
- Keeps up to date with legislation.
- Maintains records and compiles reports on clients.
- Helps to put together care plans and follows professional’s care plans.
- Organises day, residential and home care services.
- Assists and liaises with professionals in social work, the probation service and related welfare areas.
- Advises individuals and families experiencing problems about available resources to assist them.
- Advises on rights and entitlements in relation to benefits, health, discrimination and welfare.
Skills Employers Are Looking For
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