At City College, we realise that the key to becoming the learning destination of choice is the people we have here at the heart.
Our Developing People Strategic Action recognises that our staff are our greatest investment and to truly enrich the community, we need to fully recognise the skills and knowledge each individual brings to the College.
In October 2021, Jamie Rowley joined the College as Head of Academy for Construction and the Built Environment specialising in Apprenticeships. Jamie brought with him a rich combination of teaching experience and industry knowledge, and has been working in further education for more than 15 years.
Apprenticeships are a vital part of the College’s commitment to the city and wider region and to ensure we are developing a demand-led provision that meets employers’ future needs, Jamie has been appointed to the position of Director of Apprenticeships & Employer Services.
Jamie has shown clear commitment and understanding to meeting the needs of employers whilst having a long history of being a successful mentor and coach to both students and colleagues.
About this new role, Jamie said: “I am very excited to take on this new position. Whilst my background is in construction, I’ve developed a good understanding of Apprenticeships across all sectors. For a long time I have been an advocate for Apprenticeships and how enriching they can be for both school leavers taking their first steps into the world of work and also for those who wish to change direction whilst still meeting the responsibilities often associated with adult life.
“Apprenticeships are highly valuable to Plymouth and the wider region and being Devon born and bred, I want to see the area prosper and grow.”