Here, you can find information on all of the services around the College that may not be open while you’re studying with us. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t access them – find out about each service below.
Support Services

The Cash Office provides essential services to both students and staff, including administrative support, ID issuance, and managing financial transactions across various College activities. To contact the Cash Office, please e-mail
City College is committed to ensuring education is accessible and affordable for all. We have a wealth of support on offer to help you focus on your studies and make the most of your time with us. Depending on your eligibility, you may be able to join one of the thousands of students who study for free at City College Plymouth.
We know how vital your mental health and wellbeing is to your success while you study, which is why we have a team of dedicated wellbeing advisors and counsellors to support you. Get in touch for wellbeing advice, counselling services, mindfulness programmes, tools to manage stress and build resilience, support to maintain a healthy balance between academic and personal life, and resources to help you bring all of our support home into your everyday life.
The College’s careers guidance service is available throughout your journey at City College Plymouth. In partnership with Careers South West, we offer individual guidance interviews and various careers information to help you make informed decisions about your career path. The service is free, impartial, confidential, and available to all our students.

For general enquiries, please contact reception via e-mail or telephone. Our friendly Reception & Customer Services team will be able to assist or signpost you to other areas around the College. Contact them at or give them a call on 01752 305300.